"The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails." ~John Maxwell

Monday, February 14, 2011

"Don't let what you can't do, stop you from doing what you can."

I have had several conversations with people around me about their diet and exercise plan.  Even though I may have had this conversation with you personally I wanted to recap for those who didn't hear.  Maybe something in here will help or apply to you no matter where you are along this journey.

All of these I personally use or have used:
  • 1st set clear cut goals.  Make sure you know exactly where you are going and how long you want to take to get there. 
  • Create a book for all things fitness to you.  Motivation pictures, thoughts, sayings, workouts, recipes, etc...
  • Get a calendar and schedule your workouts for at least a week out.  Consider both AM & PM workouts or both if necessary to get them all in.
  • Hold yourself accountable.   
  • Cook your food in advance.  This one key to success.  Every time I talk to someone I try to stress this point and feel like I can never do it enough justice.  If your food is not ready when you are, the likelihood of you grabbing whatever is on hand is high.  If your food is ready to go when you are, you are much less likely to "cheat".
  • Give yourself a cheat meal.  How often is up to you, but I suggest you stick to your allotted diet for at least 2 weeks before even considering your first cheat meal.  (Again, meal, not day!)
  • Write a food journal.  To thine own self be true!  At the end of the day or whenever it works for you write all the food you ate for the day down.  At the end of the week, look back over it and see what you can add or leave out to make next week better.
  • Have a well rounded workout plan:  Diet, weight training, and cardio.  One won't work without the other for very long.
  • Take progress pictures and/or measurements.  No one ever has to see these unless you want them to. It is a great feeling to see or know how far you have come.  (Forget the scale)
  • Make sure you are taking your vitamins.  I take a handful of vitamins, herbs, etc... every morning.  My girls always give me a hard time about this, but I do not want my body to do without anything while my diet is so strict.  (Plus I make them take a multi-vitamin every morning too)
  •  Like a well rounded workout plan you must have a well rounded diet:  Protiens, Carbs, and Fats.  (Proteins are a must!!!)  Also, try to eat at least 5-6 meals per day.
  • Drink LOTS of water!  Why waste your precious calories on a drink?  Save them for your food/fuel.  Limit your caffeine. 
  • Get your whole family on board or at least make sure they understand your goals.  This is tough to do alone, much less if you have people in a household with all different diets.  Everyone can benefit from a cleaner diet.
Take care and best of luck!

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