"The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails." ~John Maxwell

Monday, April 16, 2012

Quest for the perfect capped shoulder

So only after 3 years was I working out with Harley and he noticed my mid delt does not fire like most people's.....WT!!!!!  Only 3 years!  Goes to show how much he pays attention to me while I am working out.  Yes, I have often wondered why you guys post pics of these nicely capped shoulders and I am wondering how much you pumped up before you took the shot.  :)  Why when I am KILLING it in the gym were my shoulders not nicely capped?  Well now we know.  To make my mids fire like most people I have to over exaggerate my pinky finger position to get them to work right.  At least I know now, right?! 

Here was today's workout:
Baby laterals 3 X 50 ss
DB shoulder press 3 X 15, 12, 10 (slow negatives dropped well below 90 degrees)
Standing laterals 3 X 20, 15, 10
Lateral machine 3 X 20 (hold at top with slow negatives)
Rev. Peck Deck 3 X 30, 20, 15
Inc. face down rear flyes 3 X 30, 20, 15  ss
Wide grip bent over row 3 X 8

Oh my goodness!  You could have blown me over!  I was shot, done, finished, caput.  

Please Lord give me beautiful shoulders like all the other girls who blog.....


  1. Stumbled across your page and I'm a fan! :) I am training for my first figure competition in May and enjoy your blog. I'm a big fan of Erin Stern and Nicole Wilkins too but I have to say-this crazy lifestyle is not for everyone! Lol

  2. Thank you for following Jacee. Starting a blog was one of the best things I did for my fitness journey as it keeps me accountable. Best of luck with your show!

  3. Ok...that sounds like my kind of shoulder workout!! I'm going to have to try it out!!!

