"The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails." ~John Maxwell

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A little of what I do

Wednesday was my Back/Chest day.  I know, not the best two to put together, but because I am now taking a yoga class with my girls on Thursday nights, I do not want to work shoulders, back or chest the day of yoga.......My workouts are getting more fun as I am becoming able to push or pull around more weight again.  Still somewhat babying my hand, but basically sucking it up.  :) 

Not all that into tats, but this ia a cool artistic shot.

My Back/Chest workout:
Assisted pullups 3 X 10 ss
BB Bench press 3 X 12 - 15 (this was the first time i have benched a bar since, was a little hesitant to add much weight, but my hand held up well.)
Flat bench flyes 3 X 12-15 ss
DB Rows 3 X 10, 8, 8
Deadlifts 3 X 10 (Enjoyed the thought of doing, but was worried and seemed like I couldn't get my groove quite right, will take some work to get back right)
Cable crossovers 3 X 10
Close grip pulldowns 3 X 10 ss
Pushups 3 X 12

Tonight I will try doing bis & tris before yoga to see if they can all go together well or not.  

Oh yes, I WILL master this move! 

Happy Day before the Weekend!

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