"The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails." ~John Maxwell

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Guys, it has been a full week of the sickies here.  I felt it coming on Monday night, had way too much to do Tuesday to pay any attention.  By Tuesday night, I was feeling pretty miserable.  Wednesday, I had a Z pack called in honestly it didn't even phase me.  Thursday was horrible, finally Friday, I went to a walk in clinic and the Dr there gave me prescriptions for amoxicillin and prednisone.  I took both doses of those yesterday and left the Z pack out and I feel so much better today.  Which isn't saying a whole lot as I still can not even think of going to the gym, but at least my throat doesn't feel like it just went through a meat grinder.  I am de-germing EVERYTHING!!  Have been, but today will be a serious day of it.  I HAVE GOT TO GET BETTER AND GET IN THE GYM!!  OMG, I feel like that is worlds away.  It is so crazy what a few days away seems like.  And I think to myself, What a Wonderful World  No, I mean I think to myself how do people not want that rush of lifting.  Yea, well don't think I am all up on my high fitness horse just yet because Tuesday through Thursday I don't think I had the 1st bit of protein at all.  The thought of anything "solid" did not set well with me unless it was in the form of chocolate.  I think my body sustained on pure chocolate those days.  Friday I snapped out of it, still didn't eat "right", but I didn't eat any chocolate either.  This morning I have said It  Is Time......so I had my protein shake for breakfast.  I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!  And what a beautiful light it is!!  :)

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and that I am feeling 100% by Sunday!

I leave you with my latest ringtone, Enjoy!


  1. THe past little while i have not been feeling like myself. I can totally feel your need to get back to lifting but sometimes its good to take a break too and listen to your body : ) PS I have a giveaway happening right now! hope you'll enter SO Fresh and So Clean Giveaway
