"The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails." ~John Maxwell

Monday, September 26, 2011

Hang snatch

Just a quick note I wanted to share with you guys.  I am thinking about entering a local competition for a cross fit event.  Hang snatch and tire flipping.  While I have been tire flipping for some time now, I have never done a snatch.  The owner of the gym I go to on Saturday's, Mr. Don, tried to help me with this over the weekend.  Honestly, I love the idea of doing these power Olympic moves.  They are quite cool to me.  I set up and worked through it twice on Saturday morning with him.  Some of the lifts I got correct, some I didn't.  A lot more incorrect than correct.  :)  But it was fun to learn.  Needless to say, the rest of the weekend I spent in agony.  My traps, forearms, and calves were brutalized!  (Not all from the snatch as I did an Insanity workout, walked on an incline tread and flipped tires)

Here is a video....I am not there yet.  :)


  1. couldnt open the video,but wow! you should do the comp!!!!!!!!
    sounds like uber fun!!!!!

  2. Oh do it! What a great goal to work towards! My brother is going to Detroit in November for crossfit games and he's competing. Go for it!!
